It's All BS
A podcast where we examine the the "truths" we've created so that we can define success on our own terms. There's a lot of B.S. out there ... and now there's me, Belinda Smith. To the adventure...
94 episodes
Season 2 - #42 Finale
Hi, I'm Belinda.Season two has come to an end, and I've been reflecting on all the wonderful episodes we've had thus far. While we're on hiatus, I invite you to go back and enjoy Season 1 and Season 2.Also<Please come...
Season 2
Episode 42

Season 2 - #41 You Got Pushback on Your Idea: Now What?
Have you ever gotten pushback on something that was really important to you? When you choose to put your work into the world, you are 100% allowing the world to make a decision about whether or not they like your work, and sometimes tha...
Season 2
Episode 41

Season 2 - #40 Unhooked Groupthink
I am so beyond excited to introduce you to one of the top amazing ideas that I have been able to be a part of. 🎉If you haven’t heard about Unhooked Groupthink yet (or if you’re curious to learn more about it), then this episode is...
Season 2
Episode 40

Season 2 - #39 Why You Should Get Your Hiney in the Chair
Procrastination is something that many of us struggle with. Sometimes there are things we want to try or start, but we keep putting it off and putting it off. Maybe it’s doing more hiking and camping, learning to crochet, or incorporating medit...
Season 2
Episode 39

Season 2 - #38 You Can't Have it Both Ways
We’re switching things up a bit today and talking about something that’s a little different than usual.Everywhere in our lives we are surrounded by beauty images that sell the ideal of beauty: what we define as beauty and how we see it....
Season 2
Episode 38

Season #2 - #37 Go Ahead, Be a Bridge
Sometimes people are put specifically in your world at the exact right time.I was introduced to my song-writer friend Carrie through some friends. She was very talented, and I knew she needed to be around people who could make her even ...
Season 2
Episode 37

Season 2 - #36 Can it be More Simple?
What would our business and lives be like if we looked through the lens of simplicity?Are we making things more difficult than they need to be?Are we doing too many things?Can it be more simple?In today’s episode of It’s All...
Season 2
Episode 36

Season 2 - #35 What if it's Not Working?
In today’s episode of It’s All BS, I want to talk about something that I have experienced personally, and I know it affects all of us, especially brand-new coaches trying to build their business. You want to build your business, and you...
Season 2
Episode 35

Season 2 - #34 3 Important Lessons You Should Learn Right Now
I work a lot in the online space and coaching industry. If you come to me with a dream, I’m going to help you chase it. And I don’t want you to make the same mistakes that I have made and have seen others make. There has been a recent s...
Season 2
Episode 34

Season 2 - #33 Servant or Leader: Which One are You?
What comes to mind when you hear the word “servant”? What about “leader”?When I hear the word servant, I can’t help but think of Downton Abbey. 😏 The staff was in so much service to the residents and their guests. Their entire job revol...
Season 2
Episode 33

Season 2 - #32 Why You will be Happier when you Stop Watching Other People
The other day I was waiting in the car while a friend went into the store. We were parked near a very busy intersection, and I was just watching out the window as I waited. Across the many lanes of traffic, I noticed a young guy walking down th...
Season 2
Episode 32

Season 2 - #31 Yes, It's a Mountain. Here's Why You Should Keep Climbing
Often, in the many facets of our life, we face mountains. Sometimes when we face it, we know that if we can just scale that mountain, we’re going to get to the other side, and it’s going to be awesome. We may face valleys, but we will press on....
Season 2
Episode 31

Season 2 - #30 Are You Playing Offense or Defense with Your Clients?
When I got my first job, I was so excited to just be there. But whether or not I thought about it at that time, my employer and I had entered into a partnership. When we are in a partnership, whether business or relationship, there is g...
Season 2
Episode 30

Season 2 - #29 I Will Hold You Up
Today I’m doing something a little different. If you are familiar with me or this podcast, then you probably know that I am a song writer. There is a particular song that I wrote that has been coming up a lot lately. The song was written as kin...
Season 2
Episode 29

Season 2 - #28 3 Lessons I've Learned So You Don't Have To
Hello Beautifuls! There are lessons to be learned all throughout life. Last week we talked about things we can learn from timeshare salespeople. This week I’ve been thinking about things we can learn from the people we know and also about the l...
Season 2
Episode 28

Season 2 - #27 What We Can All Learn from Timeshare Salespeople
Recently, I was asked by a new friend about a timeshare. When it comes to timeshares, I know people on both sides of the debate, those who love them and those who have tried everything to try to get out of them. I also know people who think tim...
Season 2
Episode 27

Season 2 - #26 What Needs to be Said
This is going to be short and to the point today. Just a few days after burying 3 children and 3 adults after a mass shooting here in Nashville, there was another mass shooting in a bank in Louisville.Meanwhile, our governor in Tennesse...
Season 2
Episode 26

Season 2 - #25 The Main Secret I Tell My Clients
Hello Beautifuls! Welcome to It’s All BS, the podcast about success and mindset where I’m on a mission to help you get unhooked from what’s keeping you from having the life you want. If you follow me on social media, you may have ...
Season 2
Episode 25

Season 2 - #24 Why You Need the People Around You to Shine
Last year I saw a solo artist on America’s Got Talent that really blew me away. He had the perfect marriage of voice, writing, melody, and the whole thing. I looked him up online and saw that he was actually the lead singer of a band called the...
Season 2
Episode 24

Season 2 - #23 Meet Eileen West, my First Scholarship Recipient
Hello Beautifuls! I have a very special guest today, and I’m excited for you to meet Eileen West, my first scholarship recipient. Eileen found out about me and my scholarship from a mutual friend and decided to apply. She didn’t know me...
Season 2
Episode 23

Season 2 - #22 What it Means to be the Narrator of your Own Life
When you put something out there - whether your life, your clothes, your personality, whatever – you are telling a story to the people around you about who you are. And your "story" may be different depending on where you are and what you're do...
Season 2
Episode 22

Season 2 - #21 Interview with Susan Anslinger - How a Life Coach can Help You Where You Are
Hello Beautifuls! I am so delighted and honored to welcome the amazing Susan Anslinger on today’s episode of It’s All BS. Susan is a life coach who helps women who are struggling to find themselves or who may feel guilty about givi...
Season 2
Episode 21

Season 2 - #20 What is Ableism and What I'd Like You to Know About It
Last week we talked about what it’s like to actually listen and what you could learn from really listening. I’m back this week to give you some things to think about as you strengthen this skill. This world was not built for people with...
Season 2
Episode 20

Season 2 - #19 What Could You Learn if you Just Listened?
A couple of weeks ago I had an incredibly embarrassing and frustrating thing happen to me. As you may know, I have a foot that is fused in the walking position. When I go down stairs, it requires precise balance and placement of my foot to navi...
Season 2
Episode 19

Season 2 - #18 It Doesn't Mean You Quit
Things get hard. Life gets complicated. But just because things are hard, it doesn’t mean you quit.In today’s episode of It’s All BS, I’m sharing a personal journey and experience where things felt very hard for me. Anger over my mom’s ...
Season 2
Episode 18