It's All BS

Season 2 - #31 Yes, It's a Mountain. Here's Why You Should Keep Climbing

Belinda Smith Season 2 Episode 31

Often, in the many facets of our life, we face mountains. Sometimes when we face it, we know that if we can just scale that mountain, we’re going to get to the other side, and it’s going to be awesome. We may face valleys, but we will press on. And then there will be other mountains to climb. So we continue on, one foot in front of the other.

Sometimes you face a mountain so high, the top may even be hidden from your view. The path may look steep and rocky. You may not even see a place to take your next step. But what if your mountain could speak? What if the obstacle you are facing was an entity that could actually encourage you?

In today’s episode of It’s All BS, we’re discussing your mountain, and why you should keep climbing.

We talk about:
🔹 Enjoying the view from the top
🔹 Shifting your perspective
🔹 Allowing your “mountain” to cheer you on
🔹 How you get to choose where you are

Sometimes when you are climbing, it really is just you and the mountain. This is your road to walk. Your mountain and I will be cheering for you. 💕

P.S. If you could use some personalized support around this area of your life, I have a limited number of openings. So let's talk and see if we’re a fit. Book a chat here! 

Remember, it's all about the mindset! Tune back in next week!