It's All BS

Season 2 - #32 Why You will be Happier when you Stop Watching Other People

Belinda Smith Season 2 Episode 32

The other day I was waiting in the car while a friend went into the store. We were parked near a very busy intersection, and I was just watching out the window as I waited. Across the many lanes of traffic, I noticed a young guy walking down the sidewalk wearing big, noise canceling headphones. As he walked, I kept waiting for him to look behind him or look around for people or cars or anything he might need to be aware of. For the entire time that he was in my line of sight, he did not so much as glance over his shoulder to see if someone was behind him.

It really got me thinking about what a fascinatingly different experience this guy has than a lot of my female friends and I have. I would never in a million years put on noise canceling headphones and walk down the street or anywhere without being able to hear my surroundings. And it started to make me angry that I have to have those thoughts of safety when other people don’t. I was starting to worry about why I didn’t have what somebody else had.

We tend to do this in life, in business, and in relationships. So in today’s episode of It’s All BS, we’re discussing why you will be happier when you stop watching other people.

We talk about:
🔹 Staying in your own lane
🔹 How to keep your brain safe from needing to compare
🔹 Understanding your unique abilities and YOU-ness
🔹 Why following someone else’s path will not get you the same things

You’re doing an amazing job being you, and I promise with all my heart that no one can be as good at being you as YOU. 💕

P.S. If you could use some personalized support around this area of your life, I have a limited number of openings. So let's talk and see if we’re a fit. Book a chat here! 

Remember, it's all about the mindset! Tune back in next week!